Have you ever tried to sync your workouts with your period?
Let’s talk about it! The relationship between periods and fitness as well as the general impact of the different phases of our period have been receiving some much-deserved attention on social media lately. People who menstruate know firsthand just how much hormonal cycles can affect how we feel. So it makes tons of sense that periods also affect how we exercise!
This blog is an exploration of the topics that my upcoming course, Train with Your Cycle, will cover in depth. We’ll be diving into the nuances of all the cycles: nervous system, menstrual, moon, creative, seasonal, grief, etc with the goal of learning how to understand and support the nuances of your particular cycles.
Different phases of our menstrual cycles can yield dramatically different outcomes and feelings depending on what our body is feeling naturally...
Hi everyone!
A couple months ago I announced on Instagram that I was going in search of the perfect sunrise simulating alarm clock. I've had a sunrise alarm clock for years, but it wasn't perfect: Luc was fed up with the finicky buttons on it, we were both tired of the only 3 alarm sounds it offered, and it always bothered me that the clock light stayed lit -- I prefer a completely dark bedroom.
So I decided it was time for an upgrade. I couldn't believe how many sunrise alarm clocks there are on the market now -- this is a growing market with way more options than 5 years ago. Many of you have been following along on the journey and pinging me to share my findings - I'm happy to say that I've finally come to a conclusion and have my top three to share below!
What is a sunrise alarm clock?
A sunrise alarm clock (also known as a dawn simulator) is an alarm clock that turns on gradually, increasing light brightness over a period of time - usually 45-30 minutes before your...
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